UTAU Voicebanks
by WinterdrivE
Voicebank Terms of Use
When publishing work using this voicebank, you are required to state the name of this voicebank.
You are required to state the name of this voicebank's author.
When attributing the name or author of this voicebank, you must write the names exactly as written above. You cannot call the voicebank by any other name, nor can you attribute the voicebank to any other author.
Usage Content
You are free to create sexual content.
You are free to create violent content.
Do not create political content.
Do not create religious content.
The following types of content are unconditionally prohibited:
- Criminal or illegal content
- Explicit underage sexual content
- Bigotry and hateful content
Commercial Use
Contact the author for individual approval to use this voicebank commercially.
You cannot edit this voicebank's audio files.
You are free to edit any configuration files, such as oto.ini or FRQ files, for personal use only. Redistribution of edited files is not allowed.
You cannot use this voicebank in any singing synthesizer other than UTAU.
The source audio of this voicebank can only be used in permitted singing synthesizers. You cannot use it in any other way, such as for music production or video production.
Redistribution of this voicebank is not allowed. Please link back to the official download (https://winterdrive.wixsite.com/utau/kye) if you wish to share this voicebank.
You are free to share rendered singing vocals created with this voicebank.
WinterdrivE holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss by the user from downloading or using the voicebank or character.
WinterdrivE holds no responsibility to any incidents, damage, or loss that occurs to any third party as a result of usage of the voicebank or voicebank character.
These terms of use were originally generated with https://tools.tubs.wtf/vbtougen and may or may not include additional edits.
Art and Character Terms of Use
利用規約 (キャラクター二次創作用)
「音源に関する利用規約」 と 「キャラクターに関する利用規約」は別のものです。
Terms of Service (For Characters)
[disclaimer about discrepancy between character mascot and voicebank]
While the character and voicebank are bundled together, they are moderated separately.
Please refer to these rules as separate.
While they are a collaborative effort, please understand that "guidelines regarding official character setting" are to be viewed separately.
Winterdrive is in charge of the voicebank
Rev is in charge of the character design
- 「KYE」と「GAO」のキャラクターは公式に「ゲイ」として設定されています。
- そのため、「NLCP」や「夢女子」でのキャラクターの二次創作は禁止されています。
- これはキャラクター設定を管理しているキャラクターデザイナーの個人的な要望です。
- キャラクターデザイナーはご迷惑をおかけしました。よろしくお願いします。
- M x M and F x F are OK.
- The characters of "KYE" and "GAO" are officially set as "gay".
- Because of this, artistic depiction with heterosexual couplings using the character mascots is prohibited by the artist.
- This is a personal request of the character designer who manages the official character profiles.
- I, the artist, apologize for the inconvience.
Please keep in mind that the character designer does not discriminate against any preferences. This is to respect the intent behind their artistic vision regarding fanmade works.
The artist is grateful to whoever draws the characters associated with the voicebank. Thank you for respecting the characters behind KYE and GAO. The artist once again apologizes for the strict rule regarding fan generated content. Thank you very much for your time.